About the author


Ronald G Mazzella

    Ronald G. Mazzella is a retired M.T.A. New York City Subway Supervisor who has two degrees–B.S. in psychology, M.S. in transportation engineering.  As an ex-psychology researcher, he has published four psychology research articles that are listed in Google Scholar.  Also, as a freelance writer since 2014, he has published four nonfiction articles,along with one poem.

     In late 2022, Ronald Mazzella had recalled how Kevin Kwan had gotten the  idea to write this novel, Crazy Rich Asians.  This prompted him to search though his unpublished poems. He quickly decided that the poem about a mass shooter would be a viable idea to develop as a novel.

     Based on research on two mass shooters–Charles Whitman, Stephen Paddock–along with research on brain imaging technology. Ronald G. Mazzella constructed his atypical mass shooter.  With a narrative arc involving a medical/literary thriller, Ronald G. Mazzella details all the accompanying consequences pertaining to this mass shooting by this atypical mass shooter.  The reader is thus left satisfied on how this book finally ends.


Innovation and Strategy


Confessions of a Mass Shooter

“A positive and optimistic view of our future, grounded in science, technology, facts and the lessons of history. It is both inspirational and aspirational.”

Confessions of a Mass Shooter

“A positive and optimistic view of our future, grounded in science, technology, facts and the lessons of history. It is both inspirational and aspirational.”

Confessions of a Mass Shooter

“A positive and optimistic view of our future, grounded in science, technology, facts and the lessons of history. It is both inspirational and aspirational.”

Confessions of a Mass Shooter

“A positive and optimistic view of our future, grounded in science, technology, facts and the lessons of history. It is both inspirational and aspirational.”